Human Skin


From human skin to human data: Advancing immunogenicity testing with human models

From human skin to human data: Advancing immunogenicity testing with human modelsIn a public workshop organized by the FDA-CRCG group, Dr. Nicolas Gaudenzio, CSO of Genoskin, introduced an innovative platform for assessing immune reactions in response to injected substances using human skin explants. His talk, titled "A new in vitro framework for assessing immunogenicity using comprehensive profiling of injectable human
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Top things found in human skin!

Top things found in human skin (vs in reconstructed human skin models) Covering nearly two square meters, skin is our body’s largest organ and a common pathway for administering drugs—whether through topical applications, subcutaneous injections, intradermal routes, or medical devices. With its complex network of immune cells, the skin plays an essential role in testing the efficacy and safety of
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APPLICATION NOTE – T cell activation and flow cytometry

This application note highlights new comparative data on T cell dynamics in HypoSkin® and InflammaSkin®, generated using flow cytometric analysis.


WEBINAR #8 – VaxSkin – Manon Scholaert

Top-level science through the eyes of an expert.The eighth Webinar. The next episode of the Genoskin Webinar series is now scheduled on October 17, 2024 at 8 a.m. (PST), 11 a.m. (EST), 5 p.m. (CET). The webinar is open to English-speaking participants with a solid scientific background. Featured speaker is Dr. Manon Scholaert, Scientist at Genoskin. Watch the replayIn this
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WEBINAR #5 Naked Immunology – Epithelial Barrier Theory – Cezmi Akdis

Top-level science through the eyes of an expert.The fifth Webinar. The fifth webinar in the Naked Immunology series is now scheduled on June 30, 2023 at 8 a.m. (PST), 11 a.m. (EST), 5 p.m. (CET). The webinar is open to English-speaking participants with a solid scientific background. Featured speaker is Dr. Cezmi Akdis, the director of the Swiss Institute of
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Human skin to predict clinical outcomes

Human skin to better predict clinical trial outcomes Based on the Tech Nation interview with Dr. Eric Merle, our Chief Bussiness Innovation Officer by Moira Gunn, in February 2022. The entire Tech Nation Radio Podcast is available here. Eric's interview starts at 44:00 mins. Close is not good enough We've grown used to testing drugs in animals because some animals
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