Human skin sourcing procedures
Genoskin’s innovative human skin models use real human skin that is donated after surgery with the informed consent of the individual donors, in full respect of the Declaration of Helsinki. Human skin tissue is considered a biological sample and its collection and use is to meet specific legal requirements. Genoskin has secure contracts with every hospital and clinic we work with in order to ensure our biological samples are collected in compliance with a very strict protocol. Genoskin’s human skin models provide an innovative tool for dermatological testing and offer a new alternative to animal experiments.
Hospitals & skin sourcing

Genoskin only works with hospitals and clinics and has established Biological Sample Transfer contracts with each of them. These contracts fully respect all applicable ethical requirements and legal provisions. To guarantee donor confidentiality, as well as the safety of our research, hospitals and clinics, provide the following information on the human skin samples we receive:
Using human skin tissue for scientific purposes also requires the approval and authorization of the French Ethics Committee (Comité de Protection de Personnes or CPP) and the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education.
Our human skin samples are collected right after surgery and brought to Genoskin. The production of human skin models occurs within 24 hours after surgery. In the interval between donor surgery and model production, the skin samples are stored at optimal temperature. Before we use a skin sample, our skin experts conduct safety tests for Hepatitis B and C, and HIV-1 and-2. Only negative samples are used in our skin models.