

Genoskin develops new perfusable vascularized skin model

New ex vivo perfusable vascularized human skin model for drug testing Perfusable vascularized skin for increased viability and optimal skin response Natural human skin contains a rich vascular network, which is essential for the transport and absorption of nutrients and drugs. However, a key drawback of currently engineered human skin models is their lack in vascularization. Recreating a vascularization in
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Genoskin wishes you a successful 2018!


Genoskin in Japan to attend 42th Annual JSID meeting

GENOSKIN TO ATTEND 42TH ANNUAL JSID MEETING Genoskin is very pleased to attend the 42th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (JSID). The meeting will take place in Kochi city, Japan from December 15th to 17th, 2017. The mission of the Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology (JSID) is to advance the position of dermatology in the interdisciplinary world

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Study on indoor air pollution uses NativeSkin® model

New study on effects of indoor air pollution on human skin uses NativeSkin® models Indoor air pollution may alter human skin. A study that was recently published in Scientific Reports  shows that volatile organic compounds target the cellular mechanism that eliminates damaged proteins. The study uses Genoskin's NativeSkin® model to study the effects of indoor air pollution on human skin and
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Genoskin kicks off fundraising campaign

Genoskin kicks off fundraising campaign at CCI FINDays The Genoskin team is now officially ready to launch its biggest fundraising campaign so far, which aims to finance our international expansion. Pascal Descargues, our CEO, is heading for Paris next week to attend the CCI FINDays, the first in a series of fundraising meetings. CCI FINDays is a French event designed to help small and start-up
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PRESS RELEASE – Genoskin brings unique alternative to animal testing to the US

Skin biotech to set up Boston production unit that recycles excess human skin Toulouse, France, August 29, 2017 – Genoskin, a company that provides a cutting-edge alternative to animal testing by keeping donated human skin alive, today announces its expansion into North America. The biotech has established a representative office in Boston and plans to open a local production unit
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