Scientific poster

Decoding Injection Site Reactogenicity & Immunotoxicity: A Novel Approach Integrating Human Skin Models with Secretome & Pathway Analytics.

There is growing interest in the subcutaneous (SC) route of injection among patients, allowing for slow and sustained release of therapeutic molecules into the bloodstream.

This approach empowers patients to self-administer treatment at home. However, the majority of biologics are associated with adverse neuro-inflammatory effects at the site of injection, mediated by secreted cytokines and chemokines. Anticipating this reactogenicity prior to clinical trials is critical, especially in a context that closely replicates human biological features.

Objective: Understand biological processes activated by Cetrotide® injection, a medication known for causing edema, redness, itch, and pain at the injection site.
Method: Utilize the ImmunoSafe ISR Platform® integrating HypoSkin®, secretome profiling, and computational analysis across seven distinct donors.
Key Findings:Identified a specific secretomic signature post-Cetrotide® injection, highlighting immune response and neuroinflammatory pathways.
Demonstrated the effectiveness of combining HypoSkin® with computational analysis for preclinical assessment of injection site reactions.

By leveraging HypoSkin® within the ImmunoSafe ISR Platform®, we offer an advanced, human-relevant model to predict and mitigate potential adverse effects, paving the way for safer and more patient-friendly therapeutics.

Poster presented at SOT/ToxExpo 2024 with an additional focus on HypoSkin® validation.

HypoSkin®: The Optimal Tool for Assessing Immunotoxicity and Injection Site Reactions.

  • Full thickness with maintained hypodermis accurately mimics subcutaneous and intradermal injections.
  • Preserves the native and local skin immune system perfectly for up to 10 days, making it ideal for examining injection site reactions.

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