Drug Development


Discover how VaxSkin® can transform your vaccine development

Research HighlightOur latest publication is now available! Discover how VaxSkin® can transform your vaccine development.The landscape of vaccine research is undergoing an important transformation, thanks to the breakthroughs in mRNA vaccine technology.This innovation has catalyzed the development of vaccines that are not only highly effective but also rapidly deployable at a large scale. With the increasing number of research institutions,
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The Role of Animal-Free Non-Clinical Platforms in Drug Development – Part 2

Redefining Local Toxicity AssessmentPart 2 - The Role of Animal-Free Non-Clinical Platforms in Drug Development. In the realm of non-clinical animal-free platforms, a transformative shift is unfolding in response to the challenges posed by drug-induced adverse reactionsa predominant factor leading to the discontinuation of drug development projects and the withdrawal of drugs from the market1. The imperative for accurate, ethical,
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The Role of Animal-Free Non-Clinical Platforms in Drug Development – Part 1

Redefining Local Toxicity AssessmentPart 1 - The Role of Animal-Free Non-Clinical Platforms in Drug DevelopmentIn the intricate world of drug development, the quest for precision, safety, and efficacy is unending.Traditional toxicity assessment methods using animal models, while historically significant, have shown discernible limitations in their predictability of human responses. As the biotech and pharma sectors continue to push the boundaries
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