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VIDEO: VaxSkin Tech Talk

Discover VaxSkin's features and its real-world applications with this video presented by our CSO at the World Vaccine Congress Europe.

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APPLICATION NOTE – HypoSkin Services

HypoSkin services combine an ex vivo skin platform with new generation transcriptomic, cytokine analysis and bioinformatics to support your R&D with

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The User Manual includes detailed descriptions of the HypoSkin® model, available formats, and a step-by-step guide for kit use.

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FACT SHEET – In Vitro Mast Cells

Unlock the potential of mast cell research with Genoskin’s In Vitro Human Mast Cell Services for Drug Development.

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CASE STUDY – Cetrorelix & ISR

Discover how the ImmunoSafe: ISR Platform® support the evaluation of local immune reactions caused by subcutaneous administration of Cetrorelix.

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Explore how the ISR Platform® can effectively de-risk your injectable therapeutic candidates today!

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APPLICATION NOTE – Non clinical toxicity services

Discover a quick approach to de-risk your injectable therapeutic candidates using ex vivo live human skin.

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APPLICATION NOTE – InflammaSkin studies for Topical Therapeutics

Explore InflammaSkin®, a unique T cell-driven skin inflammation platform to test your topical anti-psoriasis formulas.

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APPLICATION NOTE – InflammaSkin® studies for Injectable Therapeutics

Uncover InflammaSkin®, a unique T cell-driven skin inflammation platform to test your injecatble anti-psoriasis formulas.

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